I think biden will run but I would not bet on his life expectancy. May 2 years, just long enough the take over by the vp will not count as a term, hence 10 years.
road to nowhere
JoinedPosts by road to nowhere
Who Do You Think Would Be A Good Running Mate For Joe Biden?
by minimus init seems like the only possibilities are women of color.
no whites need apply.. maybe he will change his mind and ask hillary clinton?
World Wide Work Resolution Doubled Overnight
by JW_Rogue induring covid-19 crisis our hall decides to double the amount sent to hq from our local account.
the resolution is unanimously supported, no questions asked.
has anyone else had this happen?.
road to nowhere
It includes the insurances that were separate so that should be it. We were told what the resolution was but they forgot to take a vote. I think ours tripled.
What defines a "Woman of Color" in Today's World?
by RubaDub inwe hear daily "a woman or color".
one person here mentioned that nikki haley (parents are from india) is a woman of color.. what defines "woman of color?
" is there some scan gun that they put point at your head and defines the pigmentation?.
road to nowhere
It is the melanin. In the summer I am more colored.
The woke people deny history. Moors mixing in with red haired fair Spanish; the black african mixed with cuban indians; arab slavers breeding with skaves, American slave holders breeding slave girls (quadroon, octoroon) on and on.
It makes me question the black diseases with few blacks not having a lot of European blood.
The real standard should be morality: no theft, no laziness, nuclear family vslues, no murder. These things cross all ethnic lines and beliefs.
JW's and the National Anthem/Flag
by Anony Mous inone thing we were always taught in the past is how we should sit down and pray (kneel) to jehoober whenever we were at an event where they played the national anthem.
we had to actively disrespect the flag and anthem and be no part of the world, because we were our own country with jesus as king.. given kneeling/sitting for the national anthem is now the favorite pastime of the far-left and if you do so, you get associated with democrats, how do jehovah's witnesses now 'become no part of this world' when they have to disrespect the flag?.
road to nowhere
"Please stand during the announcements and song--you may be seated". Maybe we should all face the blue square with our shining faces. How about a new stake, crown, and logo pin?
I used to avoid the events. Last time I got caught was a funeral for a vet. I was respectful for it all. As for all the arguments, it is worship and a prayer being required of everyone.
Transparency in Field Service Hours
by Earnest ini notice that in the recent instructions for new regular pioneers (2020-08-s-236-e) it lists a number of assignments for which a pioneer can be credited (up to 75) hours in a month.. these include:construction oversight, assembly hall oversight, assembly oversight, and convention oversight, as well as serving as temporary volunteers at bethel, commuter bethelites, remote volunteers, bethel consultants, hospital liaison committee members, patient visitation group members, disaster relief committee members, local design/construction department field representatives and maintenance trainers, and so forth.
approved assignments also include assisting with kingdom hall construction when such is done at the request of the branch office or its representatives overseeing the project, assisting with pre and post-assembly or convention work, assisting with work at assembly halls, conducting or participating in congregation meetings held in prison, as well as attendance at a theocratic school or class .
when i was pioneering and doing pre and post-assembly work i was told i could include the time spent working in my monthly report, which i did.
road to nowhere
There is no suggestion that this breakdown will be shared with ordinary members in the congregation
Yes, pioneers are special people unlike the webelows.
There are lots if creative ways to count time. And who can really check
ELM - Elderly Lives Matter
by BourneIdentity ini believe a light has to be shown on the elderly, forget blm.
sure, blacks are being mistreated by law enforcement at times, but there are hundreds of millions of people on a daily basis having no regard for the elderly by not wearing masks in the middle of a pandemic.
they believe the elderly have to be casualties for the economy and getting normalcy back.
road to nowhere
I'm elderly too. But the masks are worn improperly, hand washing has gone by the wayside.
I know more people with health problems not being addressed because of the panic restrictions than the c19.
C19 can indeed kill, but so can heart, cancer, other bugs, and the peaceful rioters
And this isn't a cult? Wife put on name tag for zoom assembly
by goingthruthemotions inand this isn't a cult?
just saw my wife put on her name tag for the zoom assembly.... what the what?
i thought these things werent even live.
road to nowhere
The local instructions are to dress up and watch the whole thing at once right after the shortened WT.
Maybe a necktie keeps the holy spirit from escaping
As for business zoom meetings, they actually serve a purpose so decorum is appropriate
Mandatory Donations??? Is This Accurate?
by Atlantis indoes the information about mandatory donations in this post sound accurate to you?.
https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/i1gews/new_letter_1000_donations_are_mandatory_now/ petra!
road to nowhere
Regular business for the fiscal year starting in September. Goes with the resolutions to pay into the CO insurance funds, assembly hall maintenance
Big difference from churches us I NEVER see anything come back.
The well off congregations usually are skinflints--being charitable costs money that can be spent on boats, vacations etc.
And this isn't a cult? Wife put on name tag for zoom assembly
by goingthruthemotions inand this isn't a cult?
just saw my wife put on her name tag for the zoom assembly.... what the what?
i thought these things werent even live.
road to nowhere
You sure it is even zoom? The one here is streaming with no interaction.
Yes I do think sports fans are daft. But they are not instructed to wear the gear like witnesses are.
BOE Update! (as of 2020-07-31)
by Atlantis inbody of elder letters, announcements, and so forth will be next to "none" unless more elders decide to contact us and help out.. atlantis has lost three elders in the past two years.
two elders were disfellowshipped, and one disassociated and walk away a month ago.. when this happens receiving confidential documents is severed.
the last announcement we received was 2020-07-23. i was not about to send out a childish letter on "mold" in the kingdom halls.. there are people out there out of work and concerned about what they will eat tomorrow, and the watchtower is concerned with mold!.
road to nowhere
The one thing I will miss is the second page that was NEVER to be read to the lowly ones with the special manipulations